27 Nov, 2024
High Impact
High Priority
Long-Term Goal

Beta 0.7.5


This update includes significant changes to the product name, enhancements to data handling, and optimizations for performance and error management.


  • Renamed the Product: Renamed the app from SyncWin Prompt Builder to SyncWin Copilot to better define the Chrome extension's purpose and align with our parent brand.
  • Internal Name Change: Changed the name from SyncWin Prompt Builder to SyncWin Copilot internally throughout the source code.


  • New Logo: Added a brand new logo for the extension. However, the icon remains the same as we decided to use the existing icon dedicated for this app.
  • Enhanced Data Safety: Improved data integrity with IndexedDB, ensuring robust storage and a fallback to localStorage for compatibility.
  • Performance Optimization: Implemented indexed fields for faster data retrieval, enhancing application responsiveness.
  • Improved Error Handling: Added comprehensive error handling and logging for database operations, facilitating easier debugging and user feedback.
  • Seamless Version Upgrades: Established mechanisms to ensure smooth version transitions without data loss, maintaining data consistency and integrity.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
26 Nov, 2024
High Impact
High Priority

Beta 0.7.4


This update addresses several critical issues related to prompt management, including search functionality, merging prompts, and timestamp tracking. Enhancements have been made to ensure data consistency and unique titles for prompts, along with the introduction of a versioning system for better change management.



  • Creation and Modification Tracking: Implemented tracking for when each prompt is created and last modified. When creating a new prompt, the created and lastModified properties are included, both set to the current date and time in ISO format using new Date().toISOString().
  • Updating Modified Date: The modification date is updated whenever a prompt is edited. In the edit function, the prompt being edited is located using its index, and the lastModified property is updated to the current date and time in ISO format.

Data Consistency:

  • Ensured all prompts have valid IDs and timestamps. When loading prompts from storage, each prompt is iterated through, and if any property is missing, a new ID is generated or default timestamps are set as necessary.

Unique Title Enforcement:

  • Implemented a validation check to ensure that each prompt has a distinct title. If a duplicate title is detected during creation or editing, a unique identifier (e.g., "1") is appended to the title.

Versioning System:

  • Introduced a versioning system to track changes and maintain different versions of prompts. Each prompt object now includes a version number that increments with each edit. This feature is currently implemented in the backend, with plans for a future UI to manage versions.


  • Search Functionality: Resolved the issue where searching for a prompt and using action buttons (edit or delete) would inadvertently delete other prompts instead of the intended one.
  • Merge Functionality: Fixed the merging issue that was creating duplicate prompts instead of merging them into the existing one when using the import feature from the settings page. This issue arose after making prompts unique using ID, hash, and other methods.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
19 Nov, 2024
High Priority

Beta 0.7.0


This update introduces significant enhancements to the editor and prompt pages, including a new markdown editor and an HTML preview feature, aimed at improving user experience and content organization.


Markdown Editor in Editor Page: Powered by EasyMDE and Marked.js, this feature enhances UI/UX by organizing prompts effectively and enabling better input for AI chatbots.

  • Toolbar: Customization options including:
    - H1, H2, H3.
    - Bold, Italic. Quote.
    - Unordered List, Ordered List.
    - Remove Formatting.
    - Toggle Preview.
    - Link to markdown guide
  • Status Bar: Displays live content details that updates dynamically as you type:  
    - Lines of text
    - Words of text
  • Editor Field: CodeMirror editor for adding and editing content in markdown format.  

HTML Preview in Prompt Page: Added an HTML preview in the "Final Prompt Content" section on the prompt page, displaying the content added in the markdown editor beautifully for better readability and UI/UX.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
01 Nov, 2024

Beta 0.6.5


This update introduces a keyboard gesture feature for improved panel navigation, dynamic icons for minimize and maximize functions, and enhanced transition effects for smoother animations. The panel's dragging behavior has been refined to stay within the visible screen, and the minimizing functionality now snaps to screen edges for better usability.


  • Keyboard Gesture Feature: Introduced a keyboard gesture feature that allows users to focus the panel by clicking the top bar and using the arrow keys on their physical keyboard to move the panel around the screen for better UX.
  • Dynamic Icons: Assigned dynamic icons for minimize and maximize functions. When the panel is open, it shows an exit screen icon to minimize, and when minimized as a widget, it shows a full-screen icon to maximize.
  • Transition Effects: Added better transition effects for opening, closing, minimizing, and maximizing the panel, making the animations smoother and more visually appealing.
  • Textarea Renaming: Renamed all fields in the editor and prompt pages previously labeled as "Markdown" to "Textarea" for better user experience and clarity.


  • Panel Dragging: Improved the panel's dragging behavior to ensure it stays within the visible screen. While the panel may still go outside the screen when dragged to the bottom, the top bar remains visible for interaction.
  • Minimizing Behavior: Enhanced the minimizing behavior so that when the panel is minimized near any screen edge, it will snap the widget to the nearest edge for better UX.
  • Minimize/Maximize Functionality: Improved the functionality of the minimize and maximize actions to ensure a more intuitive user experience.


  • Extension Icon Behavior: Fixed the issue where clicking the extension icon would open the panel but not close it on a second click. Now, clicking the icon again will close the panel.
  • Maximizing Position: Resolved the issue where maximizing the panel while in a minimized state on the right edge of the screen would push it outside the visible area. Now, maximizing will readjust the position to stay within the screen.
  • Minimizing Transition: Fixed the minimizing transition so that when the panel is in the default position, the transition moves from right to left, ensuring the widget stays at the right edge of the screen instead of the middle.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
23 Oct, 2024

Beta 0.6.0


This release introduces a major UI/UX enhancement with a custom floating panel replacing the default Chrome extension popup, providing better usability and control options.


  • Custom Floating Panel: Removed and replaced the default Chrome extension popup with a highly customized floating panel for improved UI and UX.
  • Sticky Behavior: Added sticky behavior to the new floating panel so that clicking outside of the panel doesn't close it.
  • Panel Height: Set the panel height to approximately 90% of the screen height to provide more workspace.
  • Topbar & Controls: Added a new topbar to include more controls for the floating panel.
    - Close Icon: Added an option to close the panel manually using the close icon on the new topbar.
    - Drag Functionality: Added an option to drag the panel manually around the current tab screen using the drag icon on the topbar.
    - Repositioning: Added an option to one click to reposition the panel using the reposition icon on the topbar.
    - Size Control: Added an option to minimize and maximize the panel for better usability using the dedicated icon on the topbar.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
03 Oct, 2024

Beta 0.5.0


This release introduces significant enhancements to backup functionality, export options, and user notifications, along with various code improvements for better maintainability.


  • Automatic Local Backup: Introduced automatic periodic local backup options, allowing users to select the backup frequency or disable it entirely from the settings.
  • Export Options: Users can now export backups in both CSV and JSON formats, with a selection option on the settings page.
  • Notifications: Added notifications for successful backups and failures.
  • Error Messages: Introduced error messages for most actions on the popup and settings pages.
  • Export File Naming: Export files now include the current date and time in the format Prompt-Backup-YYYY-MM-DD--HH-MM-SS for easier backup management.
  • Field Note: Added a field note for checkout and a radio field below the note.


  • User Feedback: Enhanced backup functionality to provide more user feedback, improving user experience.
  • Refactored Code:
    - Refactored HTML files for the entire backend code across all the main pages for better readability and maintainability.
    - Adopted BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology for the entire backend code across all pages for easier code management.
    - Refactored JavaScript files for the entire backend code across all the main pages for better maintainability and performance.
  • Sort Button Placement: Separated the sort button into a different section, placed below the bulk action buttons.
  • Centralized Styling: Created a global.css file to centralize styling for consistency. Each page's dedicated stylesheet now only contains page-specific styles.
  • W3C Validation Compliance: Refactored HTML to ensure W3C validation compliance:
    - Removed inline CSS.
    - Added ARIA labels.
    - Assigned unique IDs to elements.
  • IndexedDB Implementation: Implemented IndexedDB for better prompt management and fallback to local storage.
  • Export Date Format: Updated the export date format for better UX, displaying both date and time in the downloaded file names.
  • Improved Notifications: Enhanced user notifications with more detailed information about data operations.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.
18 Sep, 2024

Beta 0.4.0


  • Variable Configurations & Data: Prompt variable configurations and data are now preserved during import and export operations. You can seamlessly export complex prompts, including all variable configurations and data, and import them on another device without any loss of information.
17 Sep, 2024

Beta 0.3.1


  • Internal Name Change: Changed the name from SyncWin Prompt Manager to SyncWin Prompt Builder internally throughout the source code.


  • New Logo and Icon: Added a brand new logo and icon for the application.


  • App Header and Title: Enhanced the app header and title for better visibility and aesthetics.
  • Final Prompt Section: Improved the final prompt section with some restructuring and UI enhancements.

Known Issues

  • Variable Configuration Loss: The variables configurations are lost after importing prompts using the import option on the settings page. This issue is currently under investigation and will be addressed in a future update.
15 Sep, 2024

Beta 0.3.0


  • Renamed the Product: Renamed the app from SyncWin Prompt Manager to SyncWin Prompt Builder to better define the Chrome extension's purpose.


  • Dynamic Variables Notice: Now the editor and prompt pages will display a notice message encouraging users to use dynamic variables in their prompts.
  • Accordion Expand/Collapse: Added expand and collapse all button for accordions in the editor page, similar to the prompt page.


  • Variable Ordering: Variable items ordering will follow the same order as you added your variables in the prompt content editor.
  • Accordion Styles: Adjusted the styles of variable item accordions on the editor page to match those on the prompt page.
  • Warning Message: Improved the fixed warning message to fill all the required fields in the prompt page for better visibility.


  • Expand/Collapse All Button Visibility: The expand and collapse all button is now only visible when there are variables present in the prompt page.
  • Jump Links: The jump link for variables in the prompt page is now working smoothly without any issues; it previously only worked if the accordions were expanded.
  • ChatGPT Integration: Updated integration for ChatGPT after their migration from Next.js to Remix.js, resolving issues with the copy and insert functionality.

Known Issues

  • Variable Configuration Loss: The variables configurations are lost after importing prompts using the import option on the settings page. This issue is currently under investigation and will be addressed in a future update.
12 Sep, 2024

Beta 0.2.9


  • Accordion Feature: Added accordion to expand and collapse individual prompt items in both the prompt and editor pages.
  • Expand/Collapse All Button: Introduced an expand and collapse all accordion at once button on the prompt page to reduce clutter and improve UX.
  • Required Fields: Made all prompt form fields required; type, label, and placeholder fields from variable items are also now required.
  • New Integrations: Added integration for:


  • UI Improvements: Further improved the UI of editor and prompt page variable items.
  • Button Styles Update: Updated button styles and added relevant icons to ensure consistency across all pages.
  • Conditional Button Activation: The save button is now active only when required fields are filled, and the view button is active only after saving the prompt.

Known Issues

  • Expand/Collapse All Button Visibility: The expand and collapse all button is currently visible even if there are no variables in the prompt page.
  • Variable Configuration Loss: The variables configurations are lost after importing prompts using the import option on the settings page. This issue is currently under investigation and will be addressed in a future update.