23 Oct, 2024

Beta 0.6.0


This release introduces a major UI/UX enhancement with a custom floating panel replacing the default Chrome extension popup, providing better usability and control options.


  • Custom Floating Panel: Removed and replaced the default Chrome extension popup with a highly customized floating panel for improved UI and UX.
  • Sticky Behavior: Added sticky behavior to the new floating panel so that clicking outside of the panel doesn't close it.
  • Panel Height: Set the panel height to approximately 90% of the screen height to provide more workspace.
  • Topbar & Controls: Added a new topbar to include more controls for the floating panel.
    - Close Icon: Added an option to close the panel manually using the close icon on the new topbar.
    - Drag Functionality: Added an option to drag the panel manually around the current tab screen using the drag icon on the topbar.
    - Repositioning: Added an option to one click to reposition the panel using the reposition icon on the topbar.
    - Size Control: Added an option to minimize and maximize the panel for better usability using the dedicated icon on the topbar.

Known Issues

  • Automatic Local Backup: The automatic local backup is not working and is under investigation to fix it.