Global Variable Saving Mechanism

  • Implement a variable saving mechanism so that removing and re-adding the same variable retains all data without loss.
  • Add click-to-jump functionality from markdown variables (e.g., {variable}) to specific variable items in the editor page.
  • Add a right-click context panel allowing users to select text and make it a variable on-the-fly, linking it to that variable item in the accordion setup.
  • Allow users to save a variable item into their global variable library for future use across other prompts.
  • Fix sorting features as not all parameters are working due to improper setup.
  • Display how many variables are used in a prompt content in a dropdown option, allowing users to jump to specific titles below.
  • Make sure editing and copy-pasting variables in the same textarea prompt content editor retains configuration.
  • Add a button to insert variables into the prompt content textarea for user convenience.
  • Add an option for users to copy selected text from any web page using right-click, redirecting them to select a prompt and adding text to the selected field.
  • Keep the pop-up open until users click close or perform an action that automatically closes it.
  • Add prompt taxonomies for better filtering and management of prompts.
  • Create a dedicated variable library for pre-defining variables for reuse in prompts.
  • Implement version control options for prompts to reduce accidental data loss during edits.
  • Lock existing variables in the editor when adding from the list, with options to unlock and edit locally or globally in the variable builder section.

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2 months ago, Wasim